Monday, September 10, 2012


By Jose A. TureyCu Lopez

Dear Tainos and global readers,

With the dawning of a new age it has become very clear that these times are desperate ones. People have become overwhelmed and consumed by their own fears of the unknown. We lash out at those who are different from ourselves, while at the same time we frantically seek love and understanding from others. 

If we are to ever find this love and peace, we first must find it in ourselves to accept others and their differences. Every Taino Village, group or individual has their own way of doing things, based on their leadership and beliefs.  Some leaders just like in a church may choose to either follow the ancestral and traditional path or choose to follow their own. Their followers follow suit and blindly they believe it is the right thing to do, without finding out the facts for themselves as to what is the traditional path and what is the path of one's own agenda. However we must not judge anyone for this, but we must be discerning of what is the true path of our ancestors and follow it and lead by example. 

The best thing for anyone to do when seeking the path of our ancestors, is not to follow anyone until you've check out the facts yourself and then if a group or leader reflects what is true and right then you may consider following them.

A man who is a Taino who is usually looked at in a favorable light, decided to create artworks of Taino images, because he thought it would be a good idea. The artworks truly indeed captured the beauty of our people.  He wanted to sell these works to other Tainos and other people to help his Taino organization and to further let people see the beauty that is us.

Sadly to say others didn't feel the excitement that he felt about his work. Others called and wrote letters expressing their dismay, disappointment and disapproval of the works and condemned the man for doing it. The man was so frustrated and hurt that people would react this way that he discontinued to create these works. Now if he does the works, he does them only by request.

So many Tainos have so many different ideas about their ancestors. Some may be good some may not be good. But as one of our elder says "Anything you do from the heart is not wrong but others may see it as being wrong because so many people have different ideas.
I would look deep in my heart and see if it feels right to do it.  If the ancestors tell you that it is right and you feel no guilt nor have any mal-intentions for doing it, then it is the right thing to do".

People seem to be caught up also in credibility. The Classic Tainos lived more than 500 years ago. Their culture as we have found from evidence was a rich one because they had influences from many other cultures.

Being that this is a fact and that we currently haven't found anyone living in the present that also lived at that time that can support or say what is factual and what is credible or authentic Taino. Who today can say what is authentic or not? Since there is no one that we have found yet that is more than 500 years old and lived in that region or is Taino himself, 
who is to say what has credibility and what doesn't? Clearly we cannot. We can only extrapolate information based on what is found from research and archaeological evidence to guess at what is authentic or what is credible.

People also seem to be caught up on the subject of credibility and authenticity based on location, blood quantum etc. Here is what an anonymous elder had to say about this: "Don't let anyone ever tell you that you are not Taino. Even if you have a drop of Taino blood in you, you are Taino. We must understand that Taino is a not just about blood. Being Taino is a way of life. Being Taino is about if you are at one with and respect nature and God. Being Taino is about how you treat your brothers and sisters giving them respect and love that one would show to nature and God, and if you do these things then you are TAINO."

We have to understand that with the onslaught of murder and torture that befell the Taino, many of our ancestors had to flee and were scattered to all four corners of the earth. So you will find Tainos everywhere.  Many of these Tainos have adopted customs from other tribes into their own Taino culture. Just because one is from one place and one is from another place, and they have different ideas as to what is Taino does not make one person more or less Taino than the another. What makes a Taino is a person who has no ego, but love in his heart for all that surrounds him. The fact is, is that whatever comes from a Taino's pure heart is Taino.

We must put our minds at ease about all these issues by learning to follow our hearts as our ancestors did, and do all things with good intentions and with a pure heart. From what we understand, our Taino ancestors were good people, whose actions reflected humility and kindness. If we follow that path, then nothing we do can be wrong and no one can say it is wrong. But we shouldn't get caught up in these issues. We should rather look at the heart of what really ails this planet and do everything we can to restore our Taino unity, global unity and beauty of our beloved planet Earth.!!!
                    ARAGUA HEKETI!

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