Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Taino Unity


In this day and age many people are interested in knowing their family history. I for one am doing my family tree and have run across many discrepancies in documents. One such document was a 1920 census where their list have half of my fathers siblings as White and the other half as Black. This is known as paper genocide. 

This was the US Governments way of eliminating any trace of our Indigenous past. Our people where being brainwashed in believing that the Tainos were extinct. Now we know better, that the Tainos are still here that we as a people are alive.

Now most of all we the Taino must UNITE! Stop this fighting and arguing among ourselves. We must break this division. We are a GREAT people, a people that has a strong love for our homeland and love for our family. So let us spread this LOVE to all our people. How can we show true love to other Indian Nations if we can not show love to ourselves. Remember that when we cross over we will have to give account to our ancestors for our actions. SO LET US MAKE TAINO UNITY A REALITY! 

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